Sometimes, businesses need to migrate from one Microsoft Office 365 Tenant to another due to a company name change, a merger or acquisition, or a de-merger.
For small and medium-sized businesses, an Office 365 Migrations can often be achieved over a single weekend. For larger UAE businesses, such a move may require internal planning for various departments and senior management teams which can prolong the process by weeks or even months. Yet regardless of internal machinations, the timeframe to complete is determined by you.

Level Up Your IT

Preparing for an Office 365 Migration

It’s vital to take the time and care to properly understand and prepare for any type of migration. Here at Cloud Technologies, we recognise that not everybody is confident with technology, and take the time to discuss all of your objectives in simple, jargon-free language.

Performing an Office 365 migration

The majority of businesses who use Office 365 use multiple services. This can include Exchange Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams. Intuitively, a greater number of services in use translates to a greater level of complexity and necessary planning to perform a full migration. Whether you’re using a single service or many, we’re here to help. Office 365 migration services may include:

More than just a Migration Company

While we offer Office 365 Migration, we are also recognised Microsoft Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs). We offer Office 365 licensing, Azure Subscriptions, procurement services, and ongoing support and consultancy services in Dubai and throughout the UAE

If you’d like to receive more information on our Office 365 Migration services, please get in contact with us today.